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Partial to Full Shade

6 in to 3 ft tall

Lily Family (Plantain Lily)


Usually partial to full shade, moist soild, altough some Hostas are sun tolerant. As a general rule: yellow hostas need more sun, blue hostas need shade.  White, pink, or purple blooms form on a flower stalk at varying times during the Summer. Some Hostas are very fragant (e.g., Royal Standard).


There are more than 2500 Hosta culitvars. When choosing consider color, height and where you are planting. For most Hostas the filiage is the most dominant part.


Hostas should be divided every three years in the Fall or Spring. The advantage of dividing Hostas in the Fall is it doesn't disturb new foliage.  In Spring as the new shoots start to come up, spinkle a one-half inch of Black Kow (commercially available composted cow manure) over them.


Slugs and snails like Hostas.  SLUGGO non-metaldehyde bait is safe to use around pets and wildlife.


Zones 3-9

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