
Phlox paniculate (Garden Phlox, Fall Phlox(
Zones 4-8 3-4 ft tall
Sun to partial shade
White, pink, rose, lavender blooms in mid to late Summer. Fairly drought resistant. Very subject to powdery mildew if too wet. Remove faded flowers to prevent reseeding. Spreads easily.
Phlox carolina
Zones 3-8 3 ft tall
Full sun
White, pink, purple blooms in July. Mildew resistant.
Phlox stolonifera (Creeping Phlox, Ground Cover Phlox)
Zones 4-8 12 in tall
Partial shade
Purple or white blooms in May or June.
Phlox subulata (Thrift, Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox)
Zones 3-8 Less than 6 in tall
Bloom colors include lavender-blue, pale pink, deep pink, white and candy striped. Evergreen foliage is stiff, short and narrow. Drought resistant.